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Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Some of the similarities I see between life during high school and life after high school are that no matter what, you are always gonna learn something new. Whether it be a new subject in high school or a new boxing skill, you are always going to be learning something everyday. On the other hand, I can also see a lot of differences between them. One of them is that you have much more time to really study or do what you want to do. Use me for example, I am a senior high school student and a boxer. I spend half of my day at school and doing homework and the other half on boxing and training, which means that I don't have as much time to myself or to train/improve myself as I would if I was already graduated and out of high school. I believe that after high school graduation, some people do just "magically" transform because I have see that happen. I have seen some people who are hard workers, great people and have mostly A grades but after graduation they completely change for the worse. I think I balance myself well for a high school student, I go to school, do my work, have some time to myself and with family and then I box and improve as much as I can in the time I have.

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