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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Literature Analysis #2

Muhammad Ali


  Muhammad Ali is one of the most famous boxers of all time. His conversion to Islam and draft evasion conviction surrounded him with controversy and even exile from boxing for three years. Despite the hiatus, his quick reflexes and strong punches helped Muhammad Ali become the first person in history to win the heavyweight champion title three times. I believe the author choose to write about this person to show how even if you are the main topic on a controversial debate and exiled from boxing for three years, you can still  become a three time world heavyweight champion of the world.I chose to read this book because I wanted to get to know how was the life of one the greatest fighters ever. I found this book to be realistic because I got to know more about personal life of Ali and got to see what he had to go through.


   Two people that are important from this text are Muhammad Ali himself and his trainer, Angelo Dundee. Angelo was a brilliant motivator who was in Ali's corner almost his entire career and has trained over 15 world champions. The other important person is Ali, who at six feet two inches, 236 pounds, became one of the most recognized sports figures in the past 100 years and influenced millions of future fighters to take up on boxing. After reading this, I feel as through I came away knowing and meeting him because I got to see/read what he went through, the ups and the downs.


   As I was reading, I noticed some foreshadowing to give you an idea of what to come, and also some symbolism here and there to give the text a little more of an appealing "taste" to it. When describing a place and an important person, the author uses lengthy and descriptive writing to make you feel like you are there.    The way the author shows tone is by showing the struggles Ali went through one of which was when he converted to Islamic beliefs and like I said before, was exiled from boxing for three years. As a fighter myself, I can only begin to imagine the struggle that was for him.

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