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Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Value of Choice

Some of the things that i want to focus on in this curriculum is to on making myself a better writer, I wanna learn how to persuade people into thinking what I am thinking through my writing. Another thing I want to focus on is to really learn how to argue to either prove your point or know when you are wrong.

Vocab. #6

Adroit: expert or nble in use of hands or body

Amicable: charaterized by goodwill.

Averse: strong feeling of opposition.

Belligerent: warlike.

Benevolent: kindly feelings

Cursory: rapidly over something

Duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct

Extol: to praise highly

Feasible: capable of being done

Grimace: facial expressions

Holocaust: complete devistation or destruction

Impervious: not permitting penetration

Impetus: a moving force

Jeopardy: hazard or risk to exposure to loss

Meticulous: showing extreme care about minute details

Nostalgia: wistfull desire to return in thought

Quintessence: pure concentrated essence

Retrogress: go backward to earlier/worse conditions

Scrutinize: examine in detail

Tepid: moderately warm

Accede: give consent or approval

Brandish: to shake or wave, as a weapon

Comprise: to include or contain

Deft: skillful

Destitute: without meaning or subsistence

Explicit: fully expressed or demonstrated

Extirpate: to remove or destroy totally

Inopportune: inappropriate or inconvenient

Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the meaning

Musty: lacking originality or vitality

Officious: official

Ominous: portending evil or harm

Pinnacle: a lofty peak

Premeditated: planned in advance, done deliberately

Rampant: violent in action or spirit

Solace: comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble

Stately: majestic

Supple: bending readily without breaking

Suppress: put an end to activities of

Venal: willing to sell someones influence

Monday, September 16, 2013


I believe that having a tablet computer for everyone in a class, including the teacher, to help with learning is an amazing idea. I think this is great because I am in a classroom where we are allowed to use our phones and Ipods to look up information much faster. I have to say that I find learning like this to be much better and more efficient than the regular learning especially in an English classroom. Learning this way is a good change up to the traditional method of just learning out of a book which most all students are bored of. Whats even more beneficial to this idea on the tablets is that everyone in school know how to use one.

Vocab. #5

 Adroit: expert or nble in use of hands or body

Amicable: charaterized by goodwill.

Averse: strong feeling of opposition.

Belligerent: warlike.

Benevolent: kindly feelings

Cursory: rapidly over something

Duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct

Extol: to praise highly

Feasible: capable of being done

Grimace: facial expressions

Holocaust: complete devistation or destruction

Impervious: not permitting penetration

Impetus: a moving force

Jeopardy: hazard or risk to exposure to loss

Meticulous: showing extreme care about minute details

Nostalgia: wistfull desire to return in thought

Quintessence: pure concentrated essence

Retrogress: go backward to earlier/worse conditions

Scrutinize: examine in detail

Tepid: moderately warm

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vocab. #4

Accede: give consent or approval

Brandish: to shake or wave, as a weapon

Comprise: to include or contain

Deft: skillful

Destitute: without meaning or subsistence

Explicit: fully expressed or demonstrated

Extirpate: to remove or destroy totally

Inopportune: inappropriate or inconvenient 

Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the meaning

Musty: lacking originality or vitality

Officious: official

Ominous: portending evil or harm

Pinnacle: a lofty peak

Premeditated: planned in advance, done deliberately

Rampant: violent in action or spirit

Solace: comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble

Stately: majestic

Supple: bending readily without breaking

Suppress: put an end to activities of

Venal: willing to sell someones influence

Literature Analysis


  • My book is about what people go through to get there inspiration and how sometimes that can lead to dark creatures following you.
  • I believe that my author chose to write about this to show that more often than not, great artist sometimes don't write or draw what they really want to.
  • I choose this book because i wanted to know if finding artistic inspiration was really difficult at a higher level of writing.
  • I found this book realistic because i have heard many times of people looking in dark places for inspiration and for help.


  • In the book, the author just used standard journalistic style in his type of writing.
  • The author's attitude toward the subject is pretty normal
  • The author uses a lot of dialogue and text from past writings and people.  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vocab. List #3

Accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing

Annihilate: to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence

Arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgement without restrictions

Brazen: shameless or impudent

Catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change

Exodus: a going out, a departure

Facilitate: to make easier or less difficult

Incorrigible: bad beyond correction or reform

Latent: present but not visible

Militant: vigorously active and aggresive

Morose: gloomily or sullenly ill-humored

Opaque: not transparent or translucent

Paramount: above others in rank or authority

Prattle: talk in a foolish or simple-minded way

Rebut: to oppose by contrary proof

Reprimand: severe reproof or rebuke

Servitude: slavery or bondage of any kind

Slapdash: hasty, haphazard

Stagnant: not flowing or running

Succumb: to give way to superior force