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Monday, August 26, 2013

vocabulary: fall #2

Obesity: The condition of being grossly fat or overweight/ Children who eat a lot, eventually become obese

Accumulate: Gather together or acquire an increasing number of quantity/ Investigators have yet to accumulate the evidence.

Mass: A large body of matter with no definite shape/ There is a mass of hair at the barber shop.

Disease: A disorder of structure or function in a thing that produces signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location/ The flu is a common disease.

Diet: The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats/ A person who is obese, has a poor diet.

Prevalence: The  fact or condition of being prevalent

Stigma: A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

prevent(able): To keep from happening/ I nee to prevent myself from eating fast food.

Adolescent: In the process of developing from a child into an adult./ Now that he has grown up, he feel the adolescent pressure becoming greater.

Cardiovascular: Of or relating to the heart and blood/ The body has an amazing cardiovascular system.

Excessive: More than is necessary/ Rich people have an excessive amount of money.

Mechanism: a system of parts working together in a machine/ A car is many mechanisms 

Sedentary:  Not physically active/ People who are over weight are sedentary.

Predispose: To dispose in advance/ I predispose the thought of losing

Syndrome: A group of signs and symptoms that occur together.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

THIS IS PHAT! (Obesity Synopsis)

This article shows just how badly obesity has become in the US. It gives great information on childhood obesity and how we can prevent child obesity from an early age. Things like diet, physical activity and even environment play big roles in child obesity. Obesity can cause simple problems such as bad grades and lack of energy but can also develop into psychological disorders such as depression. This article has many, many more facts on obesity and great ways to prevent and/or help obesity suffers who want to get better. The link to the website in write below.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vocabulary: fall #1

Expository: Intended to explain or describe something

Composition: The way in which a whole or mixture is made up

Assuage: Make less intense or satisfy

Decadence: Moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive in pleasure or luxury

Hackneyed: Unoriginal

Coalition: An alliance for combined action

Transcend: Be or go beyond the range or limits of something

Meritorious: Deserving reward or praise

Lurid: Very vivid in color

Petulant: Childishly sulky or bad-tempered

Monday, August 19, 2013


1.  I don't think that there is anything that will affect my participation in the class other than the fact that I feel like I will get distracted because I am on the internet.

2.  The best learning experience I have had is, believe it or not, when I watch an amazing anime show. I have learned many different things from watching many different ones. Some of the things I learned and apply to my live is to take charge when things are going bad, set a good example for everyone to follow and look up to and never give up no matter how many times you have been knocked down or beaten.

3.  In this class, I am most excited to learn how to write in a way to persuade the reader to think and to get them to see things from my perspective, whether it be good or bad.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Big Question

My big question is something that I have wanted to know for a good while now, its to know how the brain actually works. How does our brain know how to keep memory inside and how when you are in a life or death situation your brain releases its restrictions on the body to get it out of danger like being able to lift something really heavy that is crushing your body or being able to run really fast to get out of danger